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Neglect in Sandwell

Neglect is the most common form of abuse nationally and locally.

Within Sandwell we have sadly had several children die in the last couple of years where neglect has been a feature. Therefore, as a partnership we recognise the need for us to create a consistent approach to support the workforce to identify, assess and intervene where neglect may be present for a child.

We now have a refreshed partnership approach that applies to all those working with babies, children, young people and families in Sandwell.

We all want babies, children and young people to be safe, loved and cared for. To ensure this we have secured Strategic leadership endorsement, created clarity on what good enough care looks like, developed new tools and practice guidance, and refreshed our training offer for all of the workforce.

There is a Tackling Neglect subgroup made up of multi-agency representative driving forward the new approach, maximising the usage of our new data set and working towards achieving agreed outcomes that will enable Sandwell to respond consistently to identify, assess and intervene.

Lets work together to tackle neglect to ensure our children is Sandwell are safe, loved and cared for.

Safe, Loved and Cared For


The below practice guidance is for all professionals working with babies, children, young people, and families in order for us to create a consistent approach across the partnership to support the workforce to identify, assess and intervene where neglect maybe a factor.

Responding to child neglect- Practice Guidance & Pathway

If you have any worries that a child is not receiving good enough care or is experiencing any form of neglect please use the below screening tool which will help you to identify if a Graded Care Profile 2 assessment may be needed.

Neglect Screening Tool

If you want to talk to us about our new neglect approach, or you are worried that a baby, child, or young person is experiencing neglect and you don’t know what to do next you can send an email to our specific neglect inbox