Safeguarding Guidance
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- The Charity Commission’s safeguarding guidance
- DBS presentation will provide information on:
- The role of the Disclosure and Barring Service
- Understanding DBS checks & role of eligibility
- Understanding levels of checks
- What regulated activity is
- An organisations duties & responsibilities in regards to referring to DBS
- Understand the DBS barring process & the consequences of being placed on one or both barred lists
Out of School Settings Guidance
- DFE: Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities, After-School Clubs and Tuition
- DFE Out of school setting poster
- Sandwell Specific Safeguarding Guidance for Out of School Settings In addition to the DFE guidance, This is a localized resource that highlights specific considerations and recommendations tailored to our community in Sandwell
- Out of school setting guide for parents This provides information on what to look for when selecting an out of school setting, how to communicate with staff, and how to address any concerns they may have. You are encouraged to share this guide with parents.
NSPCC Safeguarding Guidance
- NSPCC Self Assessment Tool
- NSPCC Voluntary and Community Groups
- NSPCC Introductory guide to safeguarding and child protection for the voluntary and community sector
- NSPCC Safeguarding and child protection standards for the voluntary & Community Sector