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Staying Safe

How can you keep you and your friends safe;

sad icon
Do not talk to strangers.
friends icon
Walk to and from
school in groups.
hand no icon
Do not take gifts from
people you do not know.
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Never accept a ride
from strangers.
friend icon
Tell someone you trust
if someone is making
you feel uncomfortable.
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Report all suspicious behaviour
and “new adult friends”
to Parents/ Carers.
heart hand icon
Never leave home without
telling your parents/carers
where you are going.
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Shout loudly if someone
is asking you to do
something you are not
happy about.
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If you go out with your
friends make sure you stay
together even if you fall out.
family icon
Never take shortcuts.
Always stick to routes
selected by parents, and
stay on main roads.

For more information, click here. 

Aged 11-16 Aged 5-7 Aged 8-10