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Learning from Multi Agency Quality Assurance activities

Multi Agency Case File Audits (MACFAs) are completed every quarter to gain an understanding of what practice, systems and processes look like across Sandwell on a specific theme.

A sample of children’s cases are randomly chosen to be the subject of a ‘deep dive’ where agencies who have worked with the child/family within a set period complete a case file audit of their involvement. Where possible and appropriate to do so, children, young people and families are invited to share their views. The responses are considered by the MACFA Standing Panel, who meet with case workers to hear their views, then produce a report detailing the key learning and recommendations for the SCSP.

The voice of children, families and practitioners is essential to understanding the chosen theme and to shape multi agency learning and recommendations.

Useful Guidance

As a result of learning from Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) 12, a multi agency guide regarding what to do when children are not brought to appointment/expected sessions was developed. This applies to all partner agencies, not just colleagues in Health, and can be used when children are not present at planned home visits or there are concerns about school attendance for example. If you have a concern about a child missing appointments, home visits or their school attendance, please always document your concerns and seek advice from your line manager/designated safeguarding lead to agree next steps.

See the full Was Not Brought Guidance May 2022

The SCSP has produced a leaflet detailing MACFA Guidance for Professionals

Learning from Multi Agency Case File Audits (MACFAs)

In September 2021, a MACFA examining ‘Emotional Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People’ was completed. This MACFA was completed between April – September 2021. SCSP has produced this  Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health of Children and Young People 7 minute briefing

In April 2021, a MACFA examining ‘Cases that had de-escalated from Child Protection where a new baby had been born between April-September 2020’ was completed as part of a portfolio of work in response to a request from Children’s Minister Vicky Ford MP. This 7 minute briefing summarises the learning April 2021 MACFA

In December 2020, a MACFA examining ‘Exploitation’ was completed and a 7 minute briefing produced to summarise the learning, Exploitation MACFA

Following completion of a MACFA examining the ‘Effectiveness of Core Groups in Sandwell,’ in August 2020, a 7 minute briefing summarising the learning was produced, Effective Core Groups MACFA . In conjunction with a working group made up of frontline practitioners and managers from across the partnership, the SCSP also produced Best Practice Guidance: Core Groups